Make A Roadway
At events and even in garages, we’ve seen several designs where a roadway is made. At the main entrance of the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auctions in Scottsdale this past January, there was a roadway leading to the featured Ford stage. While installed within an expansive Ribtrax Pro Jet Black tile floor, the Citrus Yellow tiles used to make the dash marks were very effective at being eye-catching. You would be drawn to the direction of the roadway marks, which would lead your eyes to the Ford stage. Designs within a floor don’t always have to be large, rather a more purposeful intent can be much more effective.
A Roadway Design in a Garage
While our featured image showcases an event floor with a roadway design, here is a garage with the same concept. You’ll notice that the road looks even more pronounced as the primary color of the garage flooring is grey while a defined lane is made using Jet Black tiles with Citrus Yellow tiles.
In this garage especially, it has space and depth, which elongates the central design. When you have a large space to work with, let the creative juices flow. Our floor designer also allows you to experiment with different designs before making a decision.
For some, you already know exactly how you want your floor to look, but for many, after deciding that our tiles are right for you, you’ll have a lot of fun during the design process.

Ready to get started? Shop online, get a quote, or use our online 3D floor designer tool today. Or visit our main blog page for more helpful information about Swisstrax modular flooring systems.